M2C Professional services packages

Cloud Based Account

  • Review and assessment.
  • Apply best practice.
  • Architecture design.
  • Cost optimization.


  • NO Of Servers is 5
  • No Of Services is 3
  • No Of Application 2


  • NO Of Servers is 10
  • No Of Services is 6
  • No Of Application 4


  • More Than 10
  • More Than 6
  • More Than 4

New to Cloud

    • Implementation from scratch.
    • Architecture design.
    • Apply best practice.
    • Private access.


  • NO Of Servers is 5
  • No Of Services is 3
  • No Of Application 2


  • NO Of Servers is 10
  • No Of Services is 6
  • No Of Application 4


  • More Than 10
  • More Than 6
  • More Than 4


  • Assessment:
  • Calculate the current infra and estimated cost for the cloud infra + saved cost.
  • Planning:
  • Technical discussion about (required setup – resources and services will be implemented on the cloud)
  • Estimated time.
  • Architecture diagram.
  • Execution:
  • Implementation and move data to the cloud.
  • Testing and validation.

Custom Implementation

  • Deploy infrastructure per server or service creation. (EC2, RDS, EFS, VPN, SFTP,…)
  • Architecture diagram.
  • (Based on the use case)


    • Support on demand.
    • Configure monitoring and alerting system.
Finance service
  • Cost analysis.
  • Cost optimization.